Debt, the Elite´s Tool to Control the World
Jun 5, 2020
Who wins in this crisis as in every crisis? The Elite (the 1%) through the Central Banks
What is a Central Bank? A private corporation
Do the Central Banks have money? No, they print it from the thin air
Why do they exist? To control the world
Who controls the Central Banks? The Round Table (The Trilateral Commission, Council of Foreign Relations, United Nations, Club Bilderberg, Club of Rome and the Royal Institute of International Affairs)
Who controls the Round Table? The Committee of 300
Who controls the Committee of 300? The Council of 13
Who controls the Council of 13? The Queen Elisabeth II
Who controls the Queen Elisabeth II? The Pope
Who controls the Pope? The Black Pope, the Jesuits
Central banks are “buying” sovereign debt, and now other real assets with fake money in a steady way and this pandemic looks like the perfect excuse to recover the trend.
Central Banks have pumped an annualized $23.4 Trillion and they use currency (not money) named FIAT SYSTEM. Since Nixon abolished the gold standard in 1971, the USD is only paper, not certificates of gold, silver or other real assets.
Currency/FIAT system is only a system of control and the central banks have the printing machine.
So they print paper to buy sovereign debt and real assets and charge interest for it, Kennedy wanted to abolish this system and was killed.
What happens when a country cannot pay that “debt”? they appropriate their natural resources.