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August 14, 2023

Whistle-blower: The ‘Overwhelming Consensus’ on the Climate Change Crisis is ‘Manufactured’

From Climate Alarmist to President of Climate Forecast Applications Network, meet Professor Dr. Judith Curry. As a fearless whistle-blower, she unveils the ‘Climate-Change Industry’s’ ‘manufactured’ Global Warming Consensus.

Discover her integrity-driven insights, exposing distorted incentives and questioning net-zero carbon emissions. With vast expertise and esteemed positions, Dr. Curry reshapes climate discourse, challenging norms and igniting urgency for truth in our ever-changing world.

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Prominent Scientist Professor Dr. Judith Curry, currently serving as President at the Climate Forecast Applications Network and formerly an Ex-Climate Alarmist, now functioning as a whistle-blower, reveals the truth about the ‘Climate-Change Industry’: It ‘Manufactured’ the Global Warming Consensus.
Once treated like a rock star in the scientific world for being in line with the official narrative, she now blows the whistle and unveils the truth, as she states, “That’s not who I am. My personal and professional integrity does not allow me to play that game.”

Critical Statements by Dr. Curry:

1. “The Global Warming Consensus is ‘Manufactured.'”

2. “The ‘climate-change industry’ is designed to incentivize alarmism, with perverse motivations of ‘fame and fortune’ that distort scientific integrity.”

3. “The origins trace back to the UN environmental program,” emphasizes Curry, noting that the United Nations is currently advocating for trillions in new project spending.

4. “The reality is that achieving Net-zero carbon emissions would neither halt climate change nor significantly slow the increase in global warming.”

Dr. Judith Curry holds the position of President and co-founder at the Climate Forecast Applications Network (CFAN). She is also a Professor Emerita at the Georgia Institute of Technology, having served as the Chair of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences for 13 years. Her specialized field encompasses climate dynamics, extreme weather, and prediction/predictability. Furthermore, Curry is honored as a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Geophysical Union. She has also been distinguished with the Henry J. Houghton Research Award by the American Meteorological Society.


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