The media exposing it is threatened by the government
502 Posts
The New International Health Regulations. The Most Important Topic Of Our Time.
Robert Malone: WHO could declare a public health emergency for global warming, immigration, lack of equity, or gun violence, for virtually anything.
Anything can be cited as a justification for the imposition of a globalized response, bypassing the constitutions
A Tsunami Of Deaths Among the “Vaxxed” is Predicted Shortly by a Top Expert Virologist, Who is 200% Convinced.
First will come a chronic phase of LONG Covid, followed by a hyper-acute phase where people will die within 24 hours.
WHO, UN , And WEF Blocked By The Louisiana Senate.
The Bill, SB 133, was created to ensure that the World Health Organization, United Nations, and World Economic Forum have no jurisdiction in the state of Louisiana.
The War On Humanity
The War On Humanity
EXPOSED! (Covid-“Vax”-Censorship-…): U.S. Senator Super Round Table (Part 3/3)
Senator Ron Johnson assembled a panel of 23 top voices to expose the failures and corruption of the global elite and various institutions, including the government.
EXPOSED! (Covid-“Vax”-Censorship-…): U.S. Senator Super Round Table (Part 2/3)
Senator Ron Johnson assembled a panel of 23 top voices to expose the failures and corruption of the global elite and various institutions, including the government.
EXPOSED! (Covid-“Vax”-Censorship-…): U.S. Senator Super Round Table (Part 1/3)
Senator Ron Johnson assembled a panel of 23 top voices to expose the failures and corruption of the global elite and various institutions, including the government.
(“Vax”) A New Kind Of Blood Clot Appearing After The “Vax” Rollout Is Being Intentionally Hidden By The Government.
The Embalming Association is threatening their members with disciplinary action if they raise any concerns, which actually breaks one of their oaths, as they follow government policy.